Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 27 - Grandma's Funeral

Today was my Grandma's funeral. The weather was perfect. One never would have guessed that it was a Saturday in November.

I got to play the organ, something that under normal circumstances causes me much stress since I'm not an organist. However, I really enjoy playing for funerals, especially if I know the person well. I spend a lot of time thinking about what music they would want played. For postlude today I played Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. I hope she liked it.

The special musical number kind of fell apart at the last minute and so we scrambled to find something else. Some of the grand kids sang Lord, I Would Follow Thee, which I accompanied. They sounded amazing, honestly, and the song really brought a sweet feeling to the meeting.

My dad spoke. I always love listening to him speak. He talked about the need for families and how we should not let anything drive us away from them. He talked about kneeling at the feet of the Savior and having Him tell us that we were not as bad as we thought we were. Sister Beck in our regional conference a month or so ago made a similar comment. I thought about that a lot today. We need to constantly be working to be better, but sometimes we are really hard on ourselves. We forget the Atonement helps us, not just everyone else we know.

Today, I am thankful for the things I learned, for the spirit I felt, and, once again, to be able to be with family as we paid a final tribute to my Grandma Keddington.


Keddington Chronicles said...

Everything was perfect. I LOVED the postlude music. I thought it was beautiful. :)

Christy said...

Thanks, Angela!