Friday, October 29, 2010

Day Twenty - Rough Road Ahead

I was driving home from Salt Lake tonight and passed a sign like this one several times. I started wondering if we do things differently as drivers when we know we are coming upon rough roads. Some seem to be overly cautious while others don't seem to care at all. What do I do?

In this last general conference, it was mentioned in a couple of talks that the rough times are not over. So what am I doing to be prepared for the rough road ahead?

I've spent the last few weeks reading through conference. Each talk has something in it that I should be doing to be better prepared. Elder Scott made this observation, "As the teachings of the Savior are constantly obeyed, life will be beautiful, the future secure, and there will be capacity to overcome the challenges that cross our path."

Following that counsel, making necessary course corrections, and seeking the help of heaven will ensure that I am ready for whatever rough road is up ahead. For that, I am thankful.

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