Monday, February 9, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

About a year ago I consciously decided that I needed to make a change. I think I've struggled with my weight in one form or another most of my life. Those who've never had that struggle, don't get it and see it as a quick and easy fix. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "all you have to do is..."

The fact is, eating was an emotional thing for me. Still is actually. It was my way to deal with stress, loneliness, and quite honestly any other emotion I happened to be feeling.

I tried countless fad diets. Some worked for a while, but never for long. I had convinced myself that I couldn't loose weight.

Now, I have learned how to make better choices, look forward to daily exercise, and I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can start hiking, walking, and maybe even running outside. I don't deprive myself of anything, just ask the girls at The Pantry.

I'm happier, healthier, have more energy, and have done things I never thought I'd be able to. I've lost 75 pounds so far. Still have a ways to go, but it will happen. I'm looking forward to making it happen.


Keddington Chronicles said...

Wow, I have always thought that you are so pretty, I am surprised at this before picture, but in a FANTASTIC WAY!!!! You look so good. I LOVE exercise because it has SO MANY benefits to it. Congrats!!!! You look SO GREAT!!!! :) We love You!
-Angela (Josh & Girls)

Christy said...

Thanks, Angela. Exercise is great. I'm really loving it.

Jonesy said...

Oh friend, there are tears and a smile on my face. You said it so simply, but beautifully. You are yet to accomplish so many more wonderful things.

galbraithfam said...

Christy---You look amazing!!!!! And red is definitely your color! AH, I need to get myself to Provo and come see you! HOpe life is going's the store?

Whitney said...

you look great! I noticed how good you were looking, but it's cool to see a comparison!

Amanda said...

I meant to tell you how good you looked the other day--it was so good to see you and visit for a while!

ashycam said...

Christy, you look fantastic. Way to go girl.