Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Look Forward with Steadfastness unto Christ

I have had a tough couple of days!!  I had to deal with some issues at work that were so hard and uncomfortable, I had a two hour expensive and painful dentist appointment, and then this afternoon something happened that caused an emotional breakdown.  As I was sitting here tonight, feeling a little sorry for myself, I was reading my scriptures, since I got up late and didn't get to it this morning.  I'll admit that I was half heartedly reading when I read, "Look forward with steadfastness unto Christ."  It was almost like someone was speaking right to me!

Of course I started to cry.  I've done that a few times times today.  I read it over and over again and had the same feeling each time, "There are better things ahead.  Hold on.  Don't give up.  Look forward, not back.  Be steadfast and He will help you.  You can do it!!" And I know I can.

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